ISS SSTV Gallery – SSTV transmissions decoded by OE5LXR

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Several times a year the ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station) team is setting up SSTV (Slow Scan Television) events where images are transmitted from the ISS down to earth for reception by eager SATCOM enthusiasts. Those events are usually only announced shortly before they actually take place. The authorative source for upcoming ARISS-SSTV events is the ARISS-SSTV blog. On this page you can see the received images as provided by the recipients.

This page contains all SSTV images from the ISS that have been received and decoded by myself, Alexander Entinger OE5LXR. While it’s interesting to look at the SSTV images provided by other SATCOM enthusiasts nothing beats the feeling of joy if you are recording and decoding your own images.

2020-10-06-08-ARISS-SSTV-Expedition-63-ARISS-Series-16-Satellites.mp3 (580 downloads )

2020-12-02-ARISS-SSTV-INTER-MAI-75.mp3 (551 downloads )

2020-12-26-29-ARISS-Expedition-64.mp3 (223 downloads )

2021-1-28-29-ARISS-SSTV-INTER-MAI-75.mp3.mp3 (476 downloads )

2021-06-09-10-ARISS-SSTV-INTER-MAI-75.mp3 (225 downloads )

ISS SSTV Resources



ARISS (Amateur Radio on International Space Station) is a international volunteer group coordinating and supporting various amateur radio operation from the ISS.

The ARISS SSTV Blog is the authoritative source on upcoming ARISS SSTV events. However, notifications can happen on short quite notice so it pays off to set-up an automated notification system following this guide.

The ARISS SSTV Gallery is a collection of successfully received and decoded SSTV images during an ARISS SSTV Event. Since it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to receive and decode all images transmitted during any given SSTV event you take a look at the missing images there. You can also upload your own, if you have managed to capture a high quality image or if you want to apply for an ARISS SSTV Award (managed by Slawomir SQ3OOK). Although it’s quite interesting to watch the images received by others nothing beats the feeling to decode your own SSTV image from the ISS.

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