Micro Build Report: Hardrock HF-50 HF Amplifier

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The HobbyPCB Hardrock HF-50 Amplifier is the perfect companion for a QRP radio such as the Elecraft KX2 or a Yaesu FT-817ND. It can be directly driven from your QRP radio and generates > 50W of power from 160 m up to 10 m. This has been verified experimentally (see table below). Fun fact: I’ve taken my Hardrock HF-50 up with me on summit in order to operate QRO-portable during the European SOTA Activity Day 2021.

Taking the Hardrock HF-50 /portable during EU SOTA Activity Day 2021
Taking the Hardrock HF-50 /portable during EU SOTA Activity Day 2021

The Hardrock HF-50’s assembly instructions are easy to understand and the construction is a real joy. If you don’t want to wind your toroids yourself, there’s an US-based ham offering to do toroid-winding as a service. He wound all the toroids for the HF-50 + ATU to order and I’m really happy with the results. Also the next time I’ll wind them myself, because winding your own toroids gives you a more thorough DIY-feel 😉 .

There exists an easy to use adapter which allows automatic band-switching of the HF amplifier. Furthermore there is an possibility for upgrading your HF-50 with an internal ATU (I’ve done this and a picture can be seen below).

Now let’s move on to measuring the Hardrock HF-50’s RF output power: The test setup consists of a Yaesu FT-817ND, a Hardrock HF-50 HF amplifier, a Maas SPA-8350 13.8 VDC stabilised power supply, a Diamond SX-100 SWR & Power Bridge as well as AV-DL200M dummy load.

Measurement setup to determine the RF output power of the Hardrock HF-50 Amplifier across all supported bands
Measurement setup to determine the output power of the Hardrock HF-50 Amplifier across all supported bands

As can be seen from the table below the generated RF output power exceeds 50W across all bands thereby supporting the claim made by HobbyPCB.

Band / mOutput Power / W

This is a real fun kit to build, it works reliably and allows you to dual-use your QRP radio both for SOTA as well as at your home QTH. I highly recommend it 😉

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