The ultimate guide to your Yaesu FT-817ND radio

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The Yaesu FT-817ND is one of the smallest MF/HF/VHF/UHF multimode general-coverage amateur radio transceivers. Initially released as FT-817 in 2001 it was upgraded to FT-817ND in 2004. Another hardware revision led to the launch of the FT-818ND in 2019. This page provides the ultimate guide for your Yaesu FT-817ND radio by linking to the many articles concerned with modifying, operating and maintaining your radio.

Yaesu FT-817ND
My beloved and well-used Yaesu FT-817ND radio


This section contains Yaesu FT-817ND, FT-818 relevant know-how for operating and maintaining this fantastic little radio.

Yaesu FT-817ND Transmitter Output Power Levels

The Yaesu FT-817ND has four transmitter output power levels: 5 W, 2.5 W, 1 W and 0.5 W. This page contains a nifty infographic about the visual power indicators which are slightly different for each level.


Due to its longevity a large number of accessories have been developed by 3rd party manufacturers. This category lists all articles concerned with hardware modifications which either improve your FT-817ND or add additional functionality.

How to install the YF-122S Yaesu FT-817ND ssb filter

In this article you will learn how to fit the YF-122S SSB filter into the Yaesu FT-817ND in order to improve the suppression of strong signals on adjacent channels.

Yaesu FT-817ND/FT-818 PowerPole Adapter

The YAESU FT-817ND PowerPole Adapter protects against dangerous mechanical stress exerted on the DC input connector when operating portable.


I love to say that ham radio operators really were the first makers. In the old days of ham radio most hams built their own rigs and up until today there are many OMs which are dedicated to building their own equipment. This section contains homebrew add-ons or modifications for the FT-817ND radio.

How to build a diode voltage reduction adapter for your LiPo

Portable ham radio operation requires transportable power sources. Lithium based batteries such as LiFePo’s or LiPo’s are typically used. However, you have to be careful what kind of voltage they provide when fully charged. In this article you will learn how to build a diode voltage reduction adapter for reducing battery voltage of your LiPo battery pack to a safe level for your FT-817ND radio.

How to interface your Yaesu FT-817ND/FT-818 radio with a Hardrock-50 HF amplifier

A DIY Yaesu FT-817ND/FT-818 hardrock interface designed by Bernhard, DL1MAB, enables automatic band switching of the Hardrock-50 HF amplifier when connected to a FT-817ND and FT-818.

Sota Antennas #1: Multi-Band Inverted-Vee Trapped Dipole

This article is about my primary SOTA antenna which is a multi-band (20/30/40) inverted-vee trapped dipole and always used in combination with my Yaesu FT-817ND on summit.


This section contains relevant downloads for the Yaesu FT-817 ND QRP radio.

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